The technology of using the different boiling points and relative volatility of components to achieve the separation of different substances has had a preliminary development in the handicraft era, which is the so-called distillation condensation separation technology. In fact, the so-called distillation technology is the special case that there is no distillation section in the rectification technology, only the distillation section and the theoretical number of plates is 1, and condensation is no distillation section in the rectification technology. Only the distillation section and the number of theoretical plates is 1. The most important application case is to make high-alcohol liquor from low-alcohol fermented wine, and heat low-concentration fermented wine with fire or steam. Both water and alcohol in fermented wine will evaporate into the gas phase, but alcohol will evaporate into the gas phase more than water due to its low boiling point and higher volatility. Then use cooling water or natural air to cool the mixed steam of alcohol and water will be higher than the liquor alcohol concentration, of course, with the progress of distillation, the alcohol concentration of fermented wine decreases, and the alcohol concentration of distilled wine condensed by the gas phase also decreases accordingly, so the distilled wine has the first way of wine, two ways of wine. Whether it is the first or two Xiao Xiao wine is a mixture of water and alcohol, but the alcohol concentration is different, in order to get a higher concentration of liquor or even pure alcohol, it is necessary to repeat distillation and condensation. When the cryogeny-air separation textbook talks about how to produce oxygen, it also makes a similar deduction, that is, the use of liquid-air repeated distillation to obtain pure oxygen, but this process is actually impossible to happen, because the air separation distillation is a distillation process with a boiling point below the ambient temperature, and the cryogeny-air separation textbook describes only a thought experiment. S” y. A-i “J(s0z) After the Industrial Revolution, the ancient distillation technology had A major improvement and development into distillation technology, although the same as distillation condensation still uses fire and steam heating, cooling water cooling condensate vapor phase products, but the addition of filler and tray to strengthen the gas-liquid contact, At the same time, part of the gas phase condensate is used as the reflux liquid (and part is used as the product extraction), so that a rectification section is added on top of the distillation (distillation), so that the complete separation of different components at boiling points can be achieved. Of course, for some reason, sometimes the distillation process does not need to achieve complete separation of different components, but a complete distillation process must have both a rectification section and a stripping section. The two-tower process with only a distillation section but no stripping section is not a distillation column in a strict sense, but a condensation column. It’s actually a big condenser. So far, the air separation tower is sometimes still called the distillation tower (oxygen nitrogen rectification tower), which is a reflection of the transition period from distillation to rectification when the air separation process appears. ‘g. f, M G1 R6 .x6W4 H6r standard conventional distillation process includes the following parts, one is the pressure pumping of the distillation raw material, the second is the heat exchange of the distillation raw material and the distillation product, the third is the distillation tower, the distillation tower is equipped with packing and tray to strengthen the gas-liquid contact, and the distillation tower is equipped with a steam reboiler at the bottom. The high-boiling liquid component is vaporized by steam heating as reflux rising gas to form distillation. A cooling vessel is set at the top of the distillation column to cool the low-boiling gas phase component in the distillation column and liquefy it.
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